Author: nanallen


Yesterday, my 4-year-old granddaughter pulled me close and whispered, “Nana, I love God”. It truly warmed my heart to hear her say it. And then she added, “Both of ‘em”. I was a little confused. “What do you mean by ‘both of ‘em’? There’s only one God.” She answered, “You know, God and Jesus”. Oh. […]

Not a Creature Was Stirring

“A mere trifle.” That’s how Clement Clarke Moore referred to the little poem he wrote for his children on Christmas Eve, 1822. Initially titled “A Visit from Saint Nicholas” it has become known as “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” or sometimes “The Night Before Christmas”. Clement Clarke Moore was a brilliant scholar who, after earning […]


Halloween. It’s the only time of year that we’re not only allowed, but encouraged to pretend to be someone else. No matter what you think of the idea of Halloween because of its pagan origins, you have to admit it’s fun to dress up and pretend to be someone else just for one night. You’re […]


That’s the word for today. (Yeah, it’s another word that my husband with the master’s degree brought to my attention.) It came to his mind as we were traveling the circuitous roads of North Georgia last week. Deciduous, which means “falling off at maturity”, is mostly used in reference to trees or shrubs that lose […]