Author: nanallen

True Love

Ah, the Emerald Coast of Florida. How I love thee! I’m sorry. I tend to wax poetic when I’m at the beach. I can’t help it. It affects me mightily from beginning to end of each trip and then some. With the first whiff of heavy salt air, my blood pressure and heart rate reduce […]

It Was Loud

It was loud. It was close. It was frightening. And last summer while the grandchildren (and their parents) were here, we all heard it at the same time. It was obviously organic – from some kind of living being but it sounded like nothing we had ever heard before. The sound was a cross between […]

Off the RADAR

It’s actually an acronym. R Adio Detection And Ranging RADAR systems use radio waves to determine the presence and location of certain objects. They are used today mostly to track aircraft, ships, and even weather. However, RADAR doesn’t have a long history. The technology was just coming into practical use by the military late into […]