“Hey Nana, watch this!”
If I heard that phrase once over the last two weeks, I’ve heard it a hundred times. Most of my blog buddies know that our sons live on either ends of the country and we live in Georgia, so it’s rare when we all get together. Over the Fourth of July holiday, however, they all came to Georgia. It was a blast! We had a lot of catching up to do, especially with the grandchildren, ages 6 and 3 ½. They grow so fast!
Watch this, the grandkids would say constantly it seemed, and when they had my attention, a jump from the couch to the floor, or a few hops on one foot, or a big bite of a sandwich would follow. They wanted me to see them doing something…anything, it didn’t matter what.
I know the feeling. As one who has spent much of her life trying to be noticed, to be significant, to be somebody, I know the antics that I can go through to make that happen. Unfortunately, as a kid my antics were mischievous or rebellious. As an adult, however, I realized that being noticed for the wrong reasons was worse than being ignored. So I changed.
With maturity, I learned to behave, but I still wanted to be noticed. I began to tell myself that if I didn’t make myself heard, no one would listen. If I didn’t believe in my gifts, no one else would. If I wanted something to happen, I’d have to make it happen myself. Sounds noble, doesn’t it? But how many times did I have an idea or a dream and go about “making it happen” only to have it fall flat? How many times did I run ahead of God’s plan to implement my own? A good idea, a right choice maybe, but at the wrong time.
If I’ve learned anything, it’s to ask God and wait (not ask God and then jump off the couch hoping to land safely). The Psalmist encouraged the people of Israel to avoid being like their ancestors in the wilderness. They “did not wait for his plan to unfold” (Psalm 106:13). In this season of my life I’m ready for the next challenge, the next command, the next portion of the journey, but like King David says, I will…
Trust in the Lord…
Take delight in the Lord…
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him… (from Psalm 37)
Okay…watch this!