Category: Small Potatoes and Tuesdays @ the Piggly Wiggly

Hiding Places

            Our oldest son was born checking out the world. Not crying much at all, but looking around at the newness of the delivery room.              His inquisitive spirit was never dampened either. From the time he was mobile, he was intent on exploring his world.             He’d crawl, he’d climb, he’d run…in fact, often […]

Etched in Stone

Down here in the South, family is really important. That’s why family reunions are often major annual events. A few summers ago, I went to my family reunion in L.A. (Lower Alabama) held at the “mother church” where there was food (to the tenth power), hugs, kisses, and, for me, reacquaintance with long lost cousins. […]

Small Potatoes and Tuesdays @ the Piggly Wiggly

Small Potatoes and Tuesdays @ the Piggly Wiggly Several years ago I published a book by this title. It was a memoir that followed a thread of everyday happenings that impacted my life and the profound lessons learned. Today I start a new blog series with the same theme. Small Potatoes and Tuesdays @ the […]