Category: Small Potatoes and Tuesdays @ the Piggly Wiggly

What Are You So Afraid Of?

(Table Talk 2) The after dinner speech (at the Passover) started with a message about fear. Jesus said, “Do not let your heart be troubled.” (John 14:1a) Most translations use the word “troubled” here in this verse, but The Message paraphrase puts it this way. “Don’t let this rattle you.” In other words, don’t be […]

Of Such Is the Kingdom

Afterlives, Chapter 2 For Michelle I was blessed with two sons. Though they’re adults now with families of their own, I still remember many times their childlike behavior was endearing. As little boys, they each had their heroes. Mickey Mouse, MacGyver, Teenager Mutant Ninja Turtles, Luke Skywalker, and other unreal figures. Once when we went […]