Author: nanallen

10. ULTIMATE SELFIE – Who We’re With: White-Picket-Fence-Syndrome

The cliché “beauty is only skin deep” was revised in my generation to add “but ugly is to the bone.” I heard a retort to news that a girl at my school had excelled academically to the point that she could skip a grade was, “Yeah, but she’s ugly and she’ll never get married.” What? […]

9. Ultimate Selfie-Purpose 2: Who We’re With

Remember earlier in this series I proposed four purposes we find for posting selfies on social media—to show the world: 1) how we look, 2) who we’re with, 3) where we’ve been, or 4) what we’ve accomplished. This post begins the second item on that list: Who we’re with. Not long ago, at a conference, […]

5. The Ultimate Selfie: How We Look-Part 2

The idea of what is beautiful varies from culture to culture. America has the largest cosmetic market in the world bringing in almost 54 billion dollars a year. Hair care products have long been hot in the marketplace, but now skin care has almost passed it in total revenue. Cosmetic surgery continues to grow as […]

4. The Ultimate Selfie: How We Look

 “Because I’m worth it.” That’s a slogan that was launched in the 1970s by the cosmetic line L’Oreal of Paris. The “revolutionary” idea was that women do indeed have fundamental value (which at that time was a rather novel idea); therefore, pampering ourselves with beauty products was a sign that we have discovered and deserve […]

3. The ME Generation

In the last 100 years, pollsters and sociologists have tried to classify generations of people—Americans in particular. One group, Pew Research Center, has categorized the generations this way: The Silent Generation—born between 1928-1945 The Baby Boomers – born between 1946-1964 Generation X – born 1965-1980 Millennials – born 1981-1996 Generation Z (or Post Millennials)– born […]

1. Introduction to Series: The Ultimate Selfie

When was the last time you bought something with a stick-on price tag, got it home, and found out how almost impossible it is to get that price tag off? You soaked it, you rubbed it, you used fingernail polish remover and still a sticky residue remained. That’s the way we often feel about ourselves […]