Author: nanallen

Etched in Stone

Down here in the South, family is really important. That’s why family reunions are often major annual events. A few summers ago, I went to my family reunion in L.A. (Lower Alabama) held at the “mother church” where there was food (to the tenth power), hugs, kisses, and, for me, reacquaintance with long lost cousins. […]

Small Potatoes and Tuesdays @ the Piggly Wiggly

Small Potatoes and Tuesdays @ the Piggly Wiggly Several years ago I published a book by this title. It was a memoir that followed a thread of everyday happenings that impacted my life and the profound lessons learned. Today I start a new blog series with the same theme. Small Potatoes and Tuesdays @ the […]

17. The Ultimate Selfie: Getting to the Core, part 2 – FINAL CHAPTER

Hello readers. Thanks for following me and my journey into discovering who you really are. This is the last post in this series, but I plan to continue with the blog on another topic. Stay tuned. God bless you all! If you’re still confused about who you are, it may be that you don’t know […]

16. Ultimate Selfie: Getting to the Core

Let’s face it, during your lifetime… You will get older… You will get hurt…. You will be overlooked… You could lose your influence…. You could lose your security…. You could lose your passion… Then what? When your sense of worth is dependent on your appearance and youth, your intellect, your strength, your significant other, you […]

15. Ultimate Selfie Purpose 4: What We’ve Accomplished

There are four purposes for posting selfies on social media—to show the world: 1) how we look, 2) who we’re with, 3) where we’ve been, or 4) what we’ve accomplished. This post begins the fourth item on that list: What We’ve Accomplished. Failure-to-success and rags-to-riches stories abound. Basketball great Michael Jordan tells audiences that he […]

13. Ultimate Selfie Purpose 3: Where We’ve Been

There are four purposes for posting selfies on social media—to show the world: 1) how we look, 2) who we’re with, 3) where we’ve been, or 4) what we’ve accomplished. This post begins the third item on that list: Where We’ve Been Tropical sunsets. The Eiffel Tower. The Grand Canyon. A fancy restaurant. These are […]

12: Ultimate Selfie Purpose 2: Who We’re With

“I’m from the other side of the tracks.” “I’m from a poor family.” “I don’t even know who my father is.” “I was an accident.” These are lies that we are often told that make us feel unwanted, unworthy, or devalued. A couple of young ladies that I know had been told similar lies. One […]

11. Ultimate Selfie Purpose 2: Who We’re With–All Alone on a Saturday Night…

…or for me it was a Sunday afternoon, and it was my birthday—my 19th birthday. It was one of the worst days of my life.  I was a sophomore in college, and my dad had died a few months before, at the ripe ol’ age of 51. Everyone in our family was reeling from the […]